
I’ve been fortunate enough to have appeared in over 50 media stories, on television, on radio and in print, sharing my story with millions of people in Australia, New Zealand and the United States. As a result of this experience, I have become quite comfortable with the medium that is the mainstream media.

I’ve discovered that there are some specific strategies, and a few secrets, to making media appearances work beautifully. Live television in particular can be tricky – you only have seconds to get your message across and there are a lot of factors at play – the visual and how you look, the auditory and how you sound, the content of what you are saying, the dynamic between you and the host/presenter – there’s a lot to get right.

I’ve appeared in over 20 television shows – a medium that inspires terror in many guests (even speakers comfortable on stage can ‘freeze’ on television)! Despite the often nerve-wracking nature of the medium, I’ve been able to deliver my message in what people have told me is an engaging and animated style.

I take great pleasure in helping other people to conjure up their own media magic by uncovering the strategies, and a few secrets, that can make the media work for them.

My two-part Media Mastery Workbook for Entrepreneurs is jam-packed full of techniques and tools that anyone can start using straight away to help them conjure up their own mainstream media magic. CLICK HERE to download your very own copy of this empowering home study program for free.

Combining my first-hand experience in appearing in the mainstream media with my experience as a workshop designer and leader, I also help others to make the most of any media they attract. Through a media coaching process, I support individuals to prepare for and deliver a great interview.

I can help you navigate through the mainstream media landscape, decide on which media to focus on, create a compelling media release, prepare for your media appearances, and leverage your media once they are over. Contact me today to discuss how I can help you make the most of your media!