The VIP Coaching Day is focused solely on you and your business.

The VIP Day is an exclusive event where we work together 1:1 on what is most present and important for you and your business right now.

You get 7 – 9 hours of intensive, focused and conscious coaching, visioning, and planning – and one-one-one private access to all I have to offer as a coach, consultant and mentor.

The VIP Day is personalized to you and your business:

What do you want? Let’s make it happen!

VIP - bling

We’ve got the whole day to be about YOU – your energy, your life, your business.

We look at your business together and come up with small shifts as well as bigger changes you can make to help you create the business you want – quicker.

Together, we will work to identify what you’re doing right and where there’s room to add more value, change the lives of your ideal client and re-excite you about your business.

You’ll leave the VIP Day with a unique roadmap that gives you more focus, more clarity, more momentum, more clients, and importantly – more fun.

At the end of the day you’ll leave with:

  • Clarity on where you’re headed and why.  You’ll be reconnected to your “big why” (vision, excitement for your business) and you’ll know what your next steps are
  • A doable step by step plan on what actions to take and when.  This will likely be in the form of visual notes we’ve created together, and will be completely customized to you (no off the shelf solutions here)
  • The gift of being heard, seen, appreciated, and empowered professionally and personally
  • A scheduled  45-minute follow-up coaching call after your VIP Day

What the day typically looks like:

  • You arrive around 9am and we get settled.  We confirm our approach for the day and get any urgent issues out on the table
  • The exploration begins – we look at all the different parts of your business: your market, your offerings, your marketing, your goals, your lifestyle, your vision, your hopes and dreams.  I ask a lot of clarifying questions as well as offering ideas and input as I feel they’ll be most helpful to you
  • By the time we break for lunch, we usually have the key ingredients for your best action plan for moving forward on the table.  These ingredients include optimum ways for you to leverage your “big why” (why you went into business in the first place) along with the practical realities of making it happen
  • Over lunch we relax.  It’s important to take this time out to re-energise and allow space and time for additional ideas and inspiration. After we’ve had some delicious food, we can take some time in nature with a trail or beach walk
  • The second half of the day is when we drill down to the details of your success map. We’ll use visual tools (I love my graphic recording paper and coloured markers!) and any other tools we need (our laptops for example) to map out all the details of your business strategy to get you where you want to go

Elements of your success map may include:

  • Your specific goals and projects over the next 90 days, or quarter by quarter for the next 12 months
  • Your entire website client attraction funnel
  • Your offline business building strategies (including an action plan of what happens when)
  • Your thought leadership strategies (speaking, workshops and live events, writing, social media)
  • Who your ideal client really is (and what you can offer them that will be an answer to their prayers)
  • All of your product and service offerings
  • A process and plan for raising your profile, increasing your visibility and reaching more people
  • And much more (remember it’s tailored to you)

We work together for as long as you need, but usually wrap up between 4 and 6pm.

A week or two after our VIP Day we schedule a Skype call to go over any questions and fine-tune your action plan. I’m also available for emails and short phone chats as you need them.

To get the most out of the day, you need to be:

  • Ready and willing to dive deep and focus the entire day on you and your business
  • Willing to co-create your action plan. This day requires full participation (but at your pace, always)
  • Open, committed, and all set to explore a range of possibilities and to make changes in your life/business
  • Prepared to approach and move through any fears and blocks so that you can start creating more of what you want (and dropping the things you don’t want)
  • Enthusiastic about what’s possible for you and your business

I use a range of visual tools to bring the day to life!

How much and where?

I offer no more than 4 VIP Days per month.

This is a sustainable number of VIP Days for me to offer – they take a lot of energy, as I give you and make available to you all that I have – my skills, my expertise and experience, my background, my instincts, my recommendations (and reasons).  You get all my “hearts and smarts” for the entire day!

Many other VIP Days start at $3500 and move up from there (I know of one coach in the US who charges $15,000 for their VIP Day).

A VIP Day with me is for $2400 all inclusive, paid upfront.  That’s an awful lot of power in your corner, in one power-packed day!

Usually VIP Days are held at my home office on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, and all meals and refreshments are included.  By arrangement, I am happy to come to you for a VIP Day in your location; travel and other expenses are at your cost.

I usually work with one person at a time, but if you have a business partner or a significant other who is involved in your business, we can do a 2:1 session.  The focus of the 2:1 VIP Day is on one business only, and is $3200.

For more information about who I am and what I offer as a coach, consultant and mentor, visit this page. I value your time and investment, so if this feels right for you, get in touch book your VIP Day now.

Book now

To book your VIP Day, contact me directly.